A Little Intro

Welcome to our little corner in the big world wide web! This blog is going to be a spot to share our favorite adventures! But before the adventures begin, let me share a little about us. We are a family of 4 from the center of NM. 

Dad, man of the house. Peace keeper. He's the navigator and keeps us all going in the right direction. Oh and the family tinkerer. 
Mom, the family hub. Schedule maker, boo boo kisser, and  teacher for our little homeschool. 

Boo is the 7 year old girl. She's the little mama. Loving, gentle, kind to all. Well, all except maybe her little brother. 

Crash is the 5 year old boy. He's the class clown and center of attention. He'll talk your ear off before he even knows your name! 

Together we are a strong family! We love adventure and hiking. We are currently preparing to hike the Appalachian Trail. We are planning to start sometime in March of 2018 and go as far as we can. If we hike a few hundred miles, great! If we complete the entire 2200+ miles, how cool would that be?! 
We will be sharing our preparations, gear lists, training trips, ideas and feelings. Backpacking with kids can add some challenges that don't usually arise. 
Please join us as we take our Littles On The Trail. We hope to encourage other families thinking about hiking with kids. 


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